Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Code to get a menu item in Qt

There is no easy way to get a menu item in Qt, since its menu structure is something like:
QMenuBar->QAction->QMenu->QAction... So I wrote a piece of code to retrieve certain menu item with its label.

Suppose there's a menu structure [Tools|QA Tools|Memory Monitor], the usage will be something like this (notice that the "&" is required if you have shortcuts defined) :
QStringList path;
path << "&Tools" << "&QA Tools" << "&Memory Monitor"; searchMenuItem(path);
The real code is here:

QAction* MainWindow::searchMenuItem(QAction* submenu, QStringList& path, int layer)
QAction* target = NULL;

if(submenu->text() == path[layer]){
target = submenu;
if(path.count() > layer+1){
target = searchMenuItem(target, path, layer+1);
QMenu* menu = submenu->menu();
QList actions = menu->actions();
foreach(QAction* act, actions){
if(act->text() == path[layer]){
target = act;
if(path.count() > layer+1){ //need to go deep
target = searchMenuItem(act, path, layer+1);
// "ignore action ";

return target;

QAction* MainWindow::searchMenuItem(QStringList path)
return NULL;

QAction* target = NULL;

QMenuBar* menus = this->menuBar();
QList actions = menus->actions();
int i=0;
int layer = 0;

QString mainMenuLabel = path[0];

foreach(QAction* act, actions){
if(act->text() == mainMenuLabel){ //found 1st level menu item
target = act;
if(path.count() > layer+1){ //need to go deep
target = searchMenuItem(act, path, layer+1);
// "ignore action ";
return target;